Thursday, October 29, 2009


My first semi-annual editing hiatus has proven to be very productive! I still have a long ways to go, but I've put a serious dent in my workload these last five days.
I realize now how important it is to have ALL day, for several days to devote to editing all the memorable photos I've enjoyed shooting of all these beautiful people!
Only photographers, or family and friends of photographers, understand that the actual photoshoot is the easy's the time consumed in editing that keeps us up 'til the wee hours of the morning, trying to keep our promised delivery dates.

I've also taken some time this week to improve my presentation. This is what your new CDs will look like! Choosing the photograph is the hard part...I'd hate to put the one you like the least on the front of your CD! So I try to find one that I confidently feel you'll want to look at every time you view your CD.

I'll have to say, in these last two and a half years I have tried very hard to improve the quality of work I give my clients, by upgrading my equipment as well as my technical knowledge and artistry. Below is a CD from almost exactly two tears ago. I'm scared to look at the pictures on it...I remember at the time, I thought they were some of my best work. Caleb is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, even if he IS a I'm sure HE looks adorable.
In our group of photographers (we all started around the same time), we talk about cringing when we look at our older work...I guess if we didn't it would mean we haven't improved :)
With all that having been said, I must tell you all that my pricing system will increase at the first of the year. I'm such a tight-wad that's it hard for me to increase my prices without cringing, too. But I hope to continue to please my clients, and continue to improve my service to my clients.
Thanks to all of you who have helped me fulfill my dream! I pray that all of you will fulfill yours, as well.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Alyssa and Billy

When Alyssa asked me to come to Fitzgerald, Georgia, I had no idea where it was or how amazing the location would be! It took me an hour and a half to get there from Leesburg and then five hours to get home to Panama City Beach (OK, yes I drive like a grandma :). But it was well worth the drive to experience this photographer's adventure! Alyssa had asked other photographers to come, but none accepted the opportunity...I say 'Thanks!' to them.
Alyssa and Billy were so much fun to photograph, their sense of fun and love for each other made them such easy subjects!

A special thanks to Alyssa's grandparents, Larry and Carolyn Hurst for cultivating their country paradise into this photographer's dream location!

Cocoa was a bit camera shy, but I did get ONE shot of her.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Exclusive Models of Valdosta

Our third shoot with Exclusive Models of Valdosta State University was as much fun as ever, with the models being as professional and GORGEOUS as always! You will surely see more of these faces (and hot bodies) in the future...there is so much talent in this group it's obvious that it won't stop here. I can't wait to be able to say one day, that I had the pleasure of working with these models when their career as a top model was just a dream. These dreams will surely come true!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Oh My! kiddie kouture 2

And here they are! These are Amanda's picks for promoting Oh My! kiddie kouture's fall line. Our next shoot will be in November and will feature the holiday fashion line. Keep in touch if you're interested in participating! Go by the store in the Albany Mall and let Amanda know you're interested.
Go to the gallery here: